Friday 18 October 2013

Exam coping strategies

Throughout your school career you have been writing exams, and currently at the university you are again required to sit for exams as they are an important and non-negotiable part of education. Because exams are used as progression guides, it is essential to thoroughly prepare for them.  Let’s look at some exam taking strategies:

  •  Revise your work well in advance
  • Organise your study material well. Test yourself
  • Form study groups
  • Finish your preparation at least three days before the exam
  • Organise the material you will need for the examination a night before
  •  Plan your time, eat healthy and drink a lot of water

Remember that the University offers supportive structures that can help you prepare for exams. Visit the AcademicDevelopment Center and find out more about the Learning Development Unit, this unit assists students with a series of workshops/trainings aimed at maximizing student learning experience and capacity. The Writing Center will assist any student who wants to write better, areas such as structuring an essay, expressing ideas clearly and coherently, and developing self-monitoring skills are focused on. Make use of consultation times with lecturers and tutors .

Some of you might feel stressed or overwhelmed prior your exams, WORRY NOT! PsyCaD assists students with their emotional well-being. Good Luck with your exams, REMEMBER IT’S OK NOT TO KNOW EVERYTHING, some questions are designed to challenge the limits of your knowledge at a grade level above your current grade.